
Rorshok is an experiment in international community building. How to create and even generate new worthwhile things while remaining independent. This is where we chronicle that.

We all understand what we do and how we should do it in different ways. In our lives we spend time learning, getting used to, deciding, adapting, surging forward, connecting. Rorshok hopes to help us reframe how we do these things.

Currently, the two main things we do are brief weekly audio updates on several topics and places. The idea is to help people who care about a place or topic to track it regularly, rather than having individual events, headlines, and topics tossed at them algorhythmically or by a specific business. We also facilitate the creation of Ourzines, a beautiful portable way to easily make, distribute, and store knowledge on paper.

In addition to being interested in how we learn, we are also interested in how we make decisions and how we connect with each other and are working on experiments that reframe those parts of life.

Various legal codes attempt their valiant but at times comical duty to taxonomize shared human effort. But efforts of groups of people often mean disagreement or money, which we have (mostly) agreed needs rules and jurisdiction, in our increasingly internationalized world. Fair enough. But the broad categories of altruistic and non-profit on the one hand and for-profit and predatory on the other seems at best simplistic and at worst dangerous. We hope to organize our efforts in effective but new ways. We think more about enough money than about more money.

Our goals may sound ambitious to the point of abstraction. Maybe. But we will learn along the way and generate some serendipity for those who join us.

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